The Mandalorian is about to premiere its third season on Disney+, but there will be lots and lots of Mando in your future if show creator Jon Favreau gets his way.
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In an interview with the Total Film podcast, Favreau said that the upcoming third season as well as the already-written fourth season weren’t a sign that we’re close to an end for the show. “I think the beauty of this is that it’s a middle chapter of a much larger story,” he said before adding:
“And though we’ll have resolution over time with these characters, I think that how these characters fit into the larger scope and scale, but it’s not like there’s a finale that we’re building to that I have in mind. Quite the contrary, I love for these stories to go on and on. And so these characters potentially could be with us for a while, and I really love telling stories in their voice, and I love the way the adventures unfold and I’m looking forward to doing much more.”
We last saw Mando/Din Djarin (voiced by Pedro Pascal) in The Book of Boba Fett, where he was reunited with everyone’s favorite tiny green Jedi, Grogu. The two are now heading to Mandalore at some point in the upcoming episodes, where they’ll have more run-ins with Bo Katan (Katee Sackhoff), probably some Jedi, and who knows what else! We do know, however, that there isn’t some grand epic battle or event that Favreau is steering toward, and that we may see many more escapades with Mando (and Grogu) as the years continue on.
Season three of The Mandalorian premieres on Disney+ on March 1, 2023.